Il Paradiso Dei Cani Svizzero

"L'Agriturismo dei quattro zampe".

Siamo il luogo ideale per far trascorrere una giornata o una vacanza al tuo amico a quattro zampe in un luogo protetto e naturalistico.

Ubicati a Medeglia, un tipico villaggio del Monteceneri in Ticino ad un'altezza di 800mt, siamo una piccola realtà famigliare immersa nella pace della natura, in un contesto rurale dove volpi e caprioli sono l'attrazione dei nostri ospiti.

Il benessere dei cani costituisce la nostra priorità e prediligiamo la totale libertà all'interno della proprietà, trascorrendo giornate giocando e socializzando con gli altri cani. Qui i nostri ospiti scavano, corrono, si divertono e possono scegliere di stare all'aperto, al chiuso oppure riposare nel pomeriggio nelle capanne grandi o piccole presenti all'aperto. Le aree sono tutte recintate e sono separabili: ciò al fine di garantire la sicurezza degli ospiti.

Tra i servizi offerti vi sono quelli connessi al soggiorno (lunga o breve permanenza), asilo diurno, servizio taxi, servizio toelettatura. Organizziamo anche corsi formativi, eventi ludici, oltre a distribuire alimentazione casalinga personalizzata direttamente al vostro domicilio.

Nostri Servizi

Asilo diurno

I cani arrivano al mattino e partono nel tardo pomeriggio.
Servizio taxi, su prenotazione è anche possibile.

Hotel per cani

I cani sono liberi durante il giorno nella proprietà.
Di notte dormono in compagnia di altri ospiti (numero limitato) in casa o in casette situate attorno alla casa.

Servizio Taxi

La prenotazione taxi è necessaria in anticipo.
Il servizio è disponibile tutti i giorni, tranne nei giorni festivi e la domenica.


è necessario prenotare la toelettatura anticipatamente. Il prezzo varia in base al livello di toelettatura (vedi sotto), alle dimensioni e al tipo di pelo.

Educazione cane e formazione

stiamo lavorando su quest'area e pubblicheremo a breve date e argomenti specifici del settore cinofilo.

Cibo fatto in casa per cani

siamo distributori di Petter Food per la Svizzera.
Cibo casalingo prodotto su misura e consegnato direttemente a casa.

Cosa offre il Paradiso dei Cani?

Una compilata la scheda del cane e fissato l'appuntamento conoscitivo, avremo modo di conoscerci e di osservare il cane. fisseremo poi, di comune accordo, una prova (diurna o con la notte). Il nuovo ospite avrà accesso a una serie di servizi:

Paradiso dei Cani Sagl
Basato su 31 recensioni
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Marc DommarleMarc Dommarle
10:40 22 Nov 23
Edgardo Fasani (gardo)Edgardo Fasani (gardo)
18:40 31 Jan 23
I don't know this site, but I also give my good luck, and shame on those who have made the complaint or complaints, who don't know what it means to LOVE any animal, shame on the municipality.
08:31 22 Jul 22
Perfect boarding house for our pointer, in the fresh air and in nature. Very kind and attentive owners.For me and Rosco the toop!!
Jada LaraJada Lara
07:49 16 Jul 22
I had the joy and fortune of meeting Cristina and Franco as I needed to be away for 5 days on New Year's Eve without having the opportunity to bring my Ayla with me. Their availability despite the critical period and hearing how much love and dedication Cristina spoke about their work made my anxiety disappear immediately. They welcomed us with open arms and an integration process was undertaken which went wonderfully. During my absence they constantly updated me with videos and photos of Ayla playing happily with her new friends. Seeing the joy of my puppy, from that moment on, despite the sacrifices, my decision was clear and Ayla goes to nursery school for two days every week, the lightheartedness and serenity of both of them is priceless and I truly thank you with all my heart. for what the whole team does and how everything is managed. Thanks to their love and professionalism, following Ayla and giving me valuable advice, she also lost weight, which is not easy for a Labrador 😅 and is now in splendid shape. Your dog is treated as if it were their own and the effects are visible. Ayla loves them 😍Cristina and Franco and their team are an immense fortune for any dog ​​owner. Fantastic people who I was lucky enough to meet at just the right time and whom I could no longer do without. Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️ for everything you do, Ayla 🐾 and Lara 🥰
Bianca NegriniBianca Negrini
08:27 10 May 22
Cristina is a wonderful person who welcomed us with open arms. My dogs love to retire with her and I leave peacefully and happy to leave them in her hands. An insertion process was done with my two furry ones and everything went wonderfully. He always updates us during Arya and Loki's stay with videos and photos, much appreciated. I truly thank her with all my heart for what she does and how she manages everything. Having already tried two pensions before, I can finally say that I have found the right place for us. Heartfelt thanks Christina!
Lorena AtriaLorena Atria
16:54 08 May 22
I brought my dog ​​Ella for the test at the dog paradise, a fantastic place and Cristina and Franco are competent people who pay attention to the needs of their guests🐶, it's the place I was looking for for my dog, recommended 👍🥰
Giacomo AstrologoGiacomo Astrologo
21:17 30 Jan 22
I met Cristina and Franco before bringing my Lukas to them. Two exquisite, professional and helpful people immediately appeared. Although they had known me for a few hours, they literally rescued me by taking Lukas with them despite the fact that he is a 35 kg German shepherd. We let him interact for a couple of hours with their dog while we talked about this and that to understand how he could settle in, I repeat, two fantastic people that I was lucky enough to meet at just the right time because I had to leave very urgently and without them I don't know how I could have solved it. Among the things I appreciated the most is that they didn't take him with them without verifying that it wasn't a problem for the other four-legged guests and the fact that they are not two people who improvised in their profession. They studied very seriously before venturing into this job, which for animal lovers will also be fantastic but this does not mean that it is not demanding and difficult. Thanks Franco and thanks Cristina, great job.
Claudia RobenClaudia Roben
18:06 18 Oct 21
It was the first time in 10 years that my Whiskey is my Syria have been in a guesthouse. After 9 days they didn't even want to go home 😊😊😊 Chri and Franco are fantastic, they put us and the dogs at their ease, very good. I'm happy to have found them. Thank you❤
Marini MatteoMarini Matteo
12:11 21 Jan 21
We discovered Cristina and Franco's "kindergarten" service thanks to word of mouth among dog owners: they pick up the dog at home in the morning, take it to their beautiful, clean and organized structure where it plays and socializes with other "compatible" guests. They bring him back to your home in the evening ... tired from playing and working and happy to have a change of scenery for a day.They are both very knowledgeable, even-tempered and extremely personable. Your dog is treated as if it were their own and the effects on your best friend can be seen.In addition to the kindergarten, they offer the "retirement" service which we will certainly use when we need it.Cristina and Franco are a great fortune and relief for any dog ​​owner who needs to go on holiday or away.Thank you !

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